Digitization SWOT Workshop
In its efforts to further digitization in Pakistan’s microfinance sector, CEIP conducted a Digitization SWOT Workshop at its head office in Lahore. The aim of this SWOT workshop was to gauge the adaptability of its operational and managerial staff towards the technological transformation being planned by the organization. Branch Managers, Area Managers, and other relevant officials of CEIP participated in the SWOT workshop, and opined their understanding of integrating digital services with CEIP’s operational functions. They assessed the Strengths and Weaknesses of the organization and its field staff in adapting to the new technologies being introduced, and deliberated on the opportunities and threats that exist in the market in respect with this transformation.
The results of SWOT were gathered at the end of the workshop, and will be evaluated to be incorporated into the implementation plan. Previously, CEIP had developed a comprehensive Management Information System for data management of each client, and later integrated SMS-based client notification system for disbursement and repayment transactions.
Evaluation of Social Intervention Projects
CSC took part in a workshop organized by BROT, for its partners in Pakistan, on Monitoring and Evaluation as a tool for an NGO. The 3-day workshop was held from 13th – 15th March, 2017 in Dubai. CSC has successfully applied the M&E lessons from the workshop to its current projects.
2017 Global Symposium on Microfinance
CEIP participated in 2017 Global Symposium on Microfinance, held on 22nd and 23rd May in Kaula Lampur, Malaysia. The symposium attracted professionals from different backgrounds, bringing together regulators, policymakers, financial services providers, NGOs, and community-based institutions to discuss innovations in the field of microfinance as to meet the needs of small enterprises, and provide them with new and affordable microfinance products and services.
Making Finance Work for Women Summit
CEIP was represented at the Making Finance Work for Women Summit by its Communication & Business Development Manager, held on 24th-25th October 2017 in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Over 30 countries were represented at the Summit, attended by over 300 executives, investors, and government officials. It was arranged by Women World Banking, a global nonprofit that brings together various financial institutions for acquiring enhanced socioeconomic results from investing in women.
The summit brought into discussion gender-focused perspectives under the key themes of Digital Financial Services, Behavioral Design, SME Development, Impact Investment, and Corporate Leadership.
Global Social Business Summit in Paris
From 4th to the 7th of November, Paris was host to one of the largest gatherings on social enterprise in the world, hosted by the pioneer of Microfinance, and Nobel Laureate, Professor Mohammad Yunus. CEIP had representation at the main GSBS event, as well as the Young Challenger’s and Pioneer’s Meeting. The summit was attended by microfinance leaders, such as Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, as well as corporate heads from some of the largest companies in the world. There was also a diverse set of innovative social businesses represented from all across the world.
Topics included how social businesses can help alleviate poverty, to how innovative solutions to global challenges such as climate change, can be found through harnessing the potential of social business.
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